Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Forged Deed & Subsequent Refinance Leaves Bronx Homeowner Facing Foreclosure, I.D. Theft Victim's Credit In Ruins

In The Bronx, New York, the New York Daily News reports:
  • Phillip Powell, who lives in Baldwin, L.I., never even laid eyes on a house on E. 215th St. in the Bronx when one day he learned that he owned it. He received mail saying he owed payments on a $370,000 mortgage he had taken out on the single-family home.


  • Paula Penrose, who lives at the east Bronx property that she bought in 2002, was equally shocked when she learned Powell owns her home.


  • In a classic case of deed theft, someone stole Powell's identification and forged a deed transferring ownership from Penrose to Powell.

  • Then, the person pretending to be Powell used the forged deed to take out a $370,000 mortgage from New Century Mortgage Co. on the E. 215th St. home. Because neither the real Powell nor the fake Powell were making monthly mortgage payments, New Century began foreclosure proceedings against the property, and Penrose and her family face eviction.

For more, see You own a house - but we're taking it. DeedTheftAlpha

1 comment:

  1. Each one of these cases of forged deed is shocking, and no one wants to believe it happened. I know, because I'm a victim of a forged deed, the DA'S office, the Attorney General, Title Ins Agency, Notary, appraiser, Bank lawyers, my first lawyer, statue of limitation, and the courts. Its so shocking you do not know what to do. After 7 years of fighting and almost going to trail, the bank asked for a summary judgment (EQUITABLE SUBORGATION). The judge denied all the prof and gave the house to the bank. If had sued for money I might have won. But all I wanted was the house my died husband and I built, by hand. From trying for a reverse mortgage to save my home and business, to a scam arts and his group to stealing my home. Their is no justice. The Banks and the Title company have the money and knows how to use the courts. After all they help make the laws.
