Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ohio Congresswoman Urges Homeowners In Foreclosure To Stay Put, Become Squatters, & Make Lenders "Produce The Note"

CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight ran a story last week on Toledo, Ohio Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur's crusade urging homeowners facing foreclosure who haven't had the benefit of legal counsel from a competent attorney to stay put, become squatters in their own homes, and fight back. In light of the fact that lenders are having a rough time finding the original paperwork for each loan, Kaptur is advocating a "Produce The Note" strategy. She expresses the belief that 99.9% of all homeowners losing their homes have not had a good lawyer to put the heat on sloppy lenders.(1)

For the story (video only, 3:19), see Fight Foreclosures: Be a Squatter!

For a related story in the Toledo Blade, see Kaptur advises owners facing eviction to stay.

For posts that reference the failure of mortgage lenders and their attorneys to prove ownership of the promissory note when starting foreclosure actions, Go Here, Go Here, Go Here, Go Here, and Go Here.

(1) At this point, it should be obvious that the vast majority of these promissory notes that these sloppy lenders can't find haven't actually been lost through some innocent inadvertence; they've been misplaced as a result of their own recklessness, and should, arguably, be made to weigh heavily against them in any attempt on their part to re-establish their "lost" notes in a court action. KappaMtgDocsMissing

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