Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chico Homeowner's Foreclosure Eviction Stopped; Files Suit Requesting Cancellation Of Alleged Predatory Loan

In Chico, California, the Chico Enterprise Record reports:
  • To prevent a Chico woman from losing her home, several lawyers filed suit against three firms they accused of engaging in a "predatory lending scheme." "We're hoping this is going to help this woman out. She certainly deserves it after what she's been through," said Evanne O'Donnell, managing attorney of Legal Services of Northern California.

  • Jan Poythress, 53, was within days of being evicted from her northeast Chico home last month when the attorneys intervened. The eviction was put on hold, and Poythress remains in the house while a new trial is scheduled to decide the legality of requiring her to move.

  • In a separate case, the lawyers, on March 5, sued Instant Mortgage Lending Corp. of San Diego, ForeclosureLink of Fair Oaks and Expedia Home Loan of San Diego, demanding, among other things, that Poythress' loan and the foreclosure on her home be canceled. "When you read this complaint, you see how sinister this is," O'Donnell said in a phone interview.


  • O'Donnell said she was grateful for the help of several attorneys — experts on foreclosures and evictions — who donated their time free of charge. They include Doug Jacobs of Chico, Wayne Silver of Sunnyvale and Maeve Elise Brown of Oakland.

For more, see Lawsuit filed to save disabled Chicoan's home.

For earlier Chico Enterprise Record articles on this story, see:

For other posts on homeowners using state & federal law to try and undo bad mortgage loans, Go Here, Go Here, and Go Here. UndoMortgageLoans TILAdelta


  1. This company will continue doing the same thing to other people unless there are stopped. They have foreclosure throughout California with the same kind of victims. Their fees and expenses are bogus with no backing. They should be looked into. T.

  2. It is nobble what these attorneys are doing for this poor lady. Instant Mortgage Company has taken advantage of this disabled woman. I am sure if these attorneys dig into the loan papers they will find what they are looking for. Jose

  3. I feel bad for this disabled lady. She should not be responsible for the act of greed by this mortgage company. It is obvious they wanted something more from her since they knew she is not able to pay this loan back. She was deceived and robbed.
