Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mississippi Couple Cops Pleas In Bankruptcy Fraud-Related, Deed Transfer Foreclosure Rescue Scam; Wife Goes Down For Failing To Turn In Hubby

In Jackson, Mississippi, The Clarion Ledger reports:
  • A Jackson couple will be sentenced Nov. 5 in federal court after pleading guilty to fraud related charges. Robert E. Power Jr. pleaded guilty Friday to conspiracy to commit bank and wire fraud, and bankruptcy fraud. His wife, Deaundrea Power, pleaded guilty to misprision of a felony for failure to report bankruptcy fraud committed by her husband.

  • The couple had operated a business, Yorkshire Financial Services on Ridgewood Road in Jackson, which targeted homeowners at risk of foreclosure. The couple had represented to the homeowners that in exchange for transfer of their property to Yorkshire and a monthly rental payment, the company would negotiate mortgages or refinance mortgages to allow homeowners to remain in their homes, according to the United States Attorney’s Office. But the Powers would then place the property in bankruptcy unbeknownst to the homeowners and either the home would eventually be forclosed upon, or sold through straw buyers, via fraudulent loans, where the Powers would obtain cash money from the sale. As a result of the Powers’ actions, the homeowners lost their homes while the Powers gained a profit from the fraudulent activity, according to the federal investigation.

Source: Jackson couple pleads to fraud charges.

For the U.S. Attorney press release, see Couple Pleads Guilty To Mail Fraud, Bankruptcy Fraud And Falsifying Documents In Bankruptcy Cases. loan modification

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