- A man who had power of attorney over his mother's affairs faces a felony exploitation charge after police said he emptied her bank accounts of $122,722. William Frank Kunselman Jr., 62, was arrested [...] on a charge of exploitation of the elderly. Daytona Beach detectives said Kunselman's 82-year-old mother, whose name was not provided, has lived at the Good Samaritan nursing home since 2006. She was relying on an income of $39,600 from her Social Security and investments.
- Police said she had no idea her bills were not being paid at the nursing home, and she now owes $69,000. Kunselman, who wrote dozens of checks to himself from his mother's account, told detectives he has no money to pay for his mother's care.
Source: Man accused of emptying mother's accounts. FinancialAbuseOfElderlyAlpha
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