- A Jackson County family said Thursday that they nearly lost their home when somehow it landed on a foreclosure list and was auctioned off on the courthouse steps. On Tuesday, Rani Achaibar said she felt like the rug had been pulled out from under her when she found out her house had been sold and it wasn't even on the market.
- Unbeknownst to the Achaibars, their home was auctioned off at the Jackson County courthouse. The Achaibars said their house, worth $500,000, somehow made it to a foreclosure list. "He had the paperwork in his hand and I said, 'Oh my gosh!' So sat down, got Bank of America on the phone right away, verified, not delinquent, but didn't say there was a mistake," recalled Achaibar.
- The Achaibars' Bank of America mortgage statement showed their monthly payments had been paid on time. But the Achaibars said they have had a hard time getting answers. [...] A representative for Bank of America said, "It appears that a mistake has been made in this case. We are working diligently to research and rectify the situation as quickly as possible. We apologize to the Achaibar family for this unfortunate mistake." The Achaibars said they were relieved, but said they will feel better when the official paperwork is back in their hands. "Thank God it was a nice person who bought our house or he probably would have put us out," said Achaibar.
For the story, see Metro Family Nearly Loses Home in Error.
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