Wednesday, December 15, 2010

'Zombie Debt' Buyer Slammed For $300K+ In Damages, $100K+ In Consumer's Attorney Fees For Pursuing Lawsuit On 'Stale' Debt

Buried in a story on explosion of debt collection lawsuits by 'zombie debt" buyers, which recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal, contained these excerpts:
  • Once debt buyers sue to retrieve debt, they are subject to state laws that impose a statute of limitations, often between five and seven years after the borrower stops making loan payments.

  • In 2007, CACV, a unit of debt collector SquareTwo Financial Corp., sued Timothy McCollough in state court in Montana to recover $3,800 on a credit card from J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., and another $5,500 in interest, collection costs and $480 in lawyer's fees.

  • Mr. McCollough wrote to the court in March 2008, explaining that he had been living on Social Security income since suffering a head injury in 1990. He says that he hadn't made any payments or used the credit card for more than eight years, putting his account beyond the state's statute of limitations for debt collection. He asked the court to dismiss the suit, saying: "This is the third time they have brought me to court on this account. Do I have to sue them so I can live quietly in pain?"

  • In April 2009, a judge awarded damages of $310,000 plus $108,000 in legal fees and costs to Mr. McCollough.

Source: Boom in Debt Buying Fuels Another Boom—in Lawsuit.

1 comment:

  1. How to reverse boycott debt collectors.

    When a debt collector/debt collection/debt buyer company can repeatedly call with the intent of getting money their customers can repeatedly answer or call back with the intent of not giving them any. They need people to pay with as little talk as possible. They don't want to talk with people who know they are never going to pay. Be all talk and no pay. Answer when convenient. Call back. Give no information. Verify nothing. Ask as many questions as you can. Answer none.

    Don't ignore/block/report them. It doesn't work. These folks want you to ignore them for as long as you can stand to or until you give them something valuable like money or information. Ignoring them is being their good customer. Sending a cease and desist is giving information. It lets them know you are still alive and remain their good customer. Preparing to initiate unlikely individual legal battles is being their good customer.

    Be their bad customer. Make them talk to you fruitlessly for as long as they can stand to or until they stop selecting you as their customer. These companies cannot spend seconds much less minutes on the phone with every person who will never send them a dime. But they don't know who that is. You do. That knowledge is power. Every second you can keep their staff on the phone will render their business less profitable giving them a reason to never call you again.

    Calling will not reset your SOL. Making a partial payment will.

    One person who does this likes to ask general questions they should but usually won't answer, "May I have the name and address of your agent for service of process?" Calmly and slowly ask them to spell every word in the address. Read it back for verification. Control the pace. If they are rushing then politely ask them to slowly repeat. "Are you a corporation and if so in which state are you incorporated?" Repeat your questions when you don't get direct answers. When they won't answer a question ask, "Would you like to comply with the business and professions codes of your state?" That is usually the point when they hang up on me but if they say they want to comply then begin your questions again.

    Repeat while you have the spare time. These folks have many victims and few operators. If everyone calls back but pays nothing the mass auto-dialer business model becomes unprofitable. Don't aid and comfort the enemy by ignoring them. Call! Have a nice long slow friendly chat! Make them hang up first.

    Press 2 for Spanish.

    There are certainly enough victims to take down debt collectors so ignoring/blocking seems downright Orwellian. Really? We're just going to passively submit and go with a block list or however we manage ignoring an endless stream of unwanted phone calls day after day? No! Unite or remain conquered. Answer/return every call - become well practiced at keeping these folks on the phone - or count yourself not amongst the free.
