Tuesday, August 30, 2011

NY AG Gently 'Flips Bird' At Antagonists; Vows To Continue Forward In Bankster Probe

Based on a recent post in The Journal News' Politics on the Hudson blog, it appears that New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has gently 'flipped the bird' at his antagonists in connection with his recent ouster from a committee of the 50-state foreclosure fraud probe:
  • Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is reacting to his removal from a committee negotiating a huge foreclosure settlement with U.S. banks as a badge of honor, saying he will continue to press for a full investigation into the banks’ misconduct.

  • In a email(1) today through his campaign account titled “Standing Up For You,” the first-year Democratic attorney general says it would be wrong to settle with the banks and give them a pass on any further legal action.

For more, see Schneiderman Vows Full Investigation Into Banks’ Foreclosure Practices.

(1) The full text of AG Schneiderman's email, as reported by Politics on the Hudson, follows:

  • You might have been following the latest developments related to the national settlement of the mortgage probe, including this story in today’s Huffington Post about our tough fight for a comprehensive resolution to this crisis.

    Let me tell you directly: I am deeply committed to pursuing a full investigation into the misconduct that led to the collapse of America’s housing market, and to seeking a resolution that gives homeowners meaningful relief, allows the housing market to begin to recover, and gets our economy moving again.

    Our ongoing investigation into the housing crisis cannot be shut down to accommodate efforts to settle quickly and give banks and others broad immunity from further legal action. If you have any thoughts or concerns about this critical issue, please contact me at 1-800-771-7755, or send a message via Facebook or Twitter.

    Thank you for your support,

    Eric T. Schneiderman
    Attorney General

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