Wednesday, September 19, 2012

'Borrower Fatigue' May Cause Some Homeowners To Trash Legit Bankster Loan Mod Offers; "If It Looks Too Good To Be True, It Actually Might Be True!"

In Las Vegas, Nevada, KLAS-TV Channel 8 reports:
  • Some Nevada homeowners may be ignoring valid offers from banks to reduce their mortgages because of "borrower fatigue." Real estate attorneys say many Nevadans are so used to hearing no from lending banks, they might miss out on a valid offer from a bank.

    Charmagne Balean didn't like checking her mail for four years because it usually meant bad news from the bank. For four years, her family attempted to get their bank to agree to a loan modification. "This is my pile of hard labor and heartaches," homeowner Charmagne Balean said.

    This family of electrical contractors bought their home in 1999. When their bank finally agreed to cut their monthly payments nearly in half, they almost didn't believe it. "You get so confused, you don't even know what to believe, or what not to believe," Balean said.

    "The bank, they didn't have an answer. It was confusing at best," homeowner Mark Stuhmer said. He said the bank reduced the amount he owed on his home/office by more than $300,000. He initially thought the offer was fraudulent.

    "Oddly enough, today, if it looks too good to be true, it actually might be true," attorney Tisha Black said.

    Black deals with homeowners trying to save their homes from foreclosure. She said there are often scams targeting those desperate homeowners.

    "There's literally businesses that have copied the stationary of some of the big banks and offer reductions in principal or things like that if they forward some money."

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