Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lender Erroneously Forecloses On Home Earlier Sold In Short Sale; Soon-To-Be-Married Couple Say Thieves Took Wedding Gifts, Leave Behind Beer Cans

In Novi, Michigan, WDIV-TV Channel 4 reports:

  • A metro Detroit couple set to be married in nine days said the house they purchased is now at the center of police investigation because of a foreclosure mixup. And to top it off, thieves broke into the house and stole thousands of dollars in wedding gifts.

  • Rachel Kozma, 24, and her fiancé purchased the Novi house in late August through a short sale. But the Dunbarton Pines subdivision house was apparently never taken off the foreclosure list. Kozma said she and her fiancé started doing improvements to house like painting and new tile. When she returned Wednesday to the house she found a notice on the front door stating the home had been winterized as part of the foreclosure process.

  • Kozma said she went around the house and noticed that several items were missing, including several wedding gifts and even her wedding band. Kozma said she even found beer cans, cigarette butts and chicken bones that the thieves had allegedly left behind.

For more, see Wedding Gifts Stolen From Novi House (Couple Says House Involved In Foreclosure Mixup).

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