Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tampa Foreclosure Defense Seminar Attracts Lawyers, Judges From All Over State

In Tampa, Florida, the St. Petersburg Times reports:

  • At the start of class, April Charney makes one thing clear. "This is very dense, complicated work,'' she warns. "If you don't get it, raise your hand and ask questions because the chances are others don't get it either.'' Charney pauses for emphasis. Casually dressed, dark hair streaming down her back, she could be a high school teacher introducing a bunch of kids to physics and calculus.

  • But these are lawyers and judges from all over Florida. And they've come to this seminar in Tampa to learn from the woman many consider the nation's foremost expert on fighting fore­closure.

For more, see Lawyer has strategy to fight foreclosures, and shares it.

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