Monday, May 10, 2010

CBS' 60 Minutes On Underwater Homeowners & Strategic Defaults

eCreditDaily reports:

  • 60 Minutes [last night] put the national spotlight on strategic defaults, or homeowners walking away from “underwater” mortgages and into foreclosure, despite being able to make their payments. In a segment that aired [last night], Morley Safer interviewed homeowners mired in negative equity, a spreading “epidemic” for an estimated 11 million homeowners.

For more, see Foreclosures & Walking Away: 60 Minutes Eyes an ‘Epidemic’.

For the CBS 60 Minutes' piece, see Mortgages: Walking Away (or for the 60 Minutes' transcript, see Strategic Default: Walking Away from Mortgages (60 Minutes: A Million Have Walked Away; Trend Could Undermine the Fragile Economic Recovery).

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