Saturday, June 1, 2013

Central Florida Woman Accused Of Falsely Claiming To Be Active Duty Servicemember While Delinquent On House Payments To Stall Foreclosure Cops Mortgage Fraud Plea

In Pensacola, Florida, the Orlando Sentinel reports:

  • No lie was too big to tell for an Orlando woman who wanted a new home in Pensacola, but didn't want to pay the mortgage for her Orlando home, federal officials said.

    Chantal M. Lanton, 37, of Orlando is accused of falsely claiming to be an officer in the United States Air Force who was being deployed to Germany when she let her home loan go into default in February 2011.

    She did so in an attempt to receive foreclosure-protection benefits that are available for service members, federal officials said.

    Lanton never served in the Air Force or any other branch of the U.S. military, officials said.

    Lanton pleaded guilty [] to two counts of making false statements to a bank while applying for a residential loan and mortgage, the U.S. Department of Justice said.

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